
$100M Investment
If there is any doubt about eSports, it is quickly erased with a $100M investment. Epic Games is putting $100M into its very popular game – FORTNITE – to push eSports into high gear. There is no better proof than putting your own money into your own game. Epic Games had $100 million burning a hole...
Compare Baseball to Fortnite
Many of us just don’t get the massive popularity of Fortnite. Gabe Lacques, from USA Today didn’t either until he researched and compared Baseball to Fortnite. It’s an interesting read connecting the dots between what we know about traditional sports and eSports. READ MORE
Fortnite God Ninja Earns Nearly-$1 Million Month Playing Games
Pundits have predicted Fornite god Ninja is earning nearly $1million (£709,000) each month from playing the game. And only playing the game on Twitch alone. That’s a LOT of money, right there. In recent figures calculated by Forbes, the man known as Ninja – real name Tyler Blevins – has had his reported earnings calculated off the...
Fortnite is making close to $2 million a day from iPhone users
Fortnite — think Minecraft married to “Hunger Games” — was already a giant hit before the game came to iOS in March. Then Epic started letting users play on iPhones and other Apple devices, and at least 11 million people have downloaded that version And then many of those players have started spending money: The...
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